The employer's commitment
This section looks at what the employer is committed to do in providing a safe working environment for lone workers.
As an employer you are committed to stating specific actions that the company will undertake, as well as outlining where responsibility falls. These next sections will highlight what needs to be included.
Analysis / audit within the company to identity lone worker risks, hazards, problems or other issues.
Preventative measures to combat the risks of violence and aggression - such as changes in the environment, procedures, practices and equipment.
Data collection or monitoring of incidents of violence to staff and actions as a result of the information gathered.
Communication of the policy to ensure that everyone is aware of it and their responsibility in respect of it.
Provision and implementation of a dedicated lone worker solution such as LONEALERT.
Allocation of specific roles and responsibilities in support of this policy.
Create a supportive environment for employees and provide support of victims including members of their household.
Provide appropriate guidance and training for employees at the beginning and throughout their career, including training on this policy and on avoiding, reducing and managing violent and aggressive behaviour.
Sanctions to be taken in the event of violent behaviour by an employee Formal written warning to be given to any individual who has made threats of violence towards an employee; this warning should indicate that legal action may be taken if there is a breach of the law.
After-care procedures to be made available, such as: counselling; time off work; earning protection; help in bringing a court case; assistance with compensation claims or medical assistance.assistance with compensation claims or medical assistance.
Evaluation and review of the policy and procedures at agreed intervals, and the continual development of practice.
Training of staff to ensure that they can fulfil their responsibilities under the policy and protect themselves.
The inclusion of performance measures within the policy means that the effectiveness of the policy can be assessed against them.
Both management and the individual have responsibilities in ensuring the policy is adhered to.
In this part we will highlight different examples that management can assess and are responsible for.
Assess potential risks of violence and aggression, environmental hazards, make suitable arrangements and ensure control measures are in place to control risk to the lowest level practicable.
Ensure that employees receive appropriate and adequate lone worker induction training before they start work and refresher training at regular intervals.
All staff under their control are being made aware of and understand their responsibilities in ensuring that the lone worker policy is successfully implemented at the local level.
Ensure all staff have access to and sufficient training in using the organisations lone worker protection solution.
They should also ensure that the emergency response procedures are understood, being practised and appropriate records are being kept.
Make sure all incidents are recorded in line with reporting procedures.
Information is provided to employees regarding arrangements to minimise the risk of violence and accidents in potential hazardous environments.
Ensure all incidents are investigated, factors contributing to the incident are identified, and any recommendations are implemented to minimise the risk.
Ensure that safe systems of work are devised and adhered to.
In this part we will highlight different examples that the lone worker themselves are responsible for.
Take reasonable care of their own safety and that of others who could be affected by what they do or don't do.
Co-operate with employer to make sure those safe systems of work and relevant control measures are implemented.
Attendance at training events covering, the policy; the implementation of procedures, systems for reporting incidents of violence; risk assessment training, lone worker training systems.
Reporting of incidents using the procedures available to them.
All employees have a duty to draw attention of their line manager for any foreseeable hazards associated with their work and any amendments to risk assessments, procedures or safe systems of work which may become necessary from time to time.
Individuals should self-assess any potential risks.
Use their lone working protection equipment properly and in line with with their training.
Ensure they are confident in the operation of their lone worker equipment.
The policy should also include information about how its effectiveness will be assessed, giving details of who will take responsibility, when the assessment will take place, the process that will be used, and how the results will be acted upon.