Outlining the way forward
Protecting your lone workers better.
We understand your primary needs and what's needed to bring extra value to your company.
Accident waiting to Happen? Non existent or old system/devices in place that can put lone working staff at risk.
Poor Connection? Cannot rely on mobile signal alone to provide significant protection of lone workers.
In the Dark? Is there little to no data available to you? Or no clear way of knowing who, where or how lone workers are.
Protected Providing up-to-date devices and systems built for purpose for differing lone worker requirements.
Connected Illustrating how we can solve any connectivity issues, so you can identify where your lone workers are in real time.
Turn the Lights On! How The OWL provides a full, detailed overview of your lone workers and devices in real time. Provides insightful, useable data which can be exported and used alongside current management reporting.